Kabiufa Organic Farm
One of our earliest Co-op suppliers is the Blisset family who have developed the idyllic, organic farm called Kabiufa, tucked away in Diamond Valley between Maleny and Mooloolah. More than 38 years ago, Kay and John Blisset began creating their Certified Organic gardens, gaining NASAA certification in 1985. Later, their son Jason joined the family firm.
Now, the farm boasts seasonal produce grown from organic seed. Dragon fruit clamber over the huge boulder walls on the property. “The soil is a rich, black clay that we enrich with Earth Life minerals and green manures.” Kay tells us. “We use exclusion nets and handpicking to control pests. Our native birds and beneficial bugs help us with the nasties.Kay explained the evolving nature of organic certification standards including seed-saving, crop rotation, brush-cutting weeds and the requirement to maintain native planting to support biodiversity.
Kay has now collected her own open-pollinated seeds for more than 30 years. NASAA accreditation staff assess the property twice each year, unannounced for one of those visits. Each day the team must maintain the Organic Management Plan that includes a daily ‘paddock diary’ in which every single thing planted, harvested, mowed or managed is recorded. In addition, an ‘input book’ is used to record any farm additions such as mulch or organic nutrients. “We’re very cautious about the mulch we use, avoiding lucerne which can be GMO, and instead using an organic sugar cane. Any additional compost used, seeds…everything is certified organic.”
First published 2023